Get Your Glow On!
11 years ago / in Baubles
Now that I’m back home & winter is turning to spring, it’s mud mask season! As the seasons & my schedule changes, so does my skin. I find it gets really dry during the winter & needs some freshening up by this time of year. Therefore, in order to start spring off on the right foot, I use “GlamGlow”. Meet the miracle product:
This is the best mud mask I have ever used…it gives you a brand new face! I put it on & let it dry while I’m studying or watching TV & then wash it off before I go to bed. It’s not the cheapest product you’ll ever buy, but this little splurge is worth every penny (it does have enough mud for several masks). I have always used the “YouthMud Tinglexfoliate”, but I just discovered at Sephora the other day that “GlamGlow” has come out with two other new masks, the “SuperMud Clearing Treatment” & the “ThirstyMud Hydrating Treatment”. I haven’t tried them yet, but I can’t wait to get my “GlamGlow” on!
I don’t want to sound like some kind of ad, but there are so many products out there that when I come across something this amazing, I have to share it!
P.S. It makes a great Mother’s Day gift!
Photo Credit: http://www.glamglowmud.com
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!