5 Things…
9 years ago / in Bliss
I share a lot on this blog about my life, from the experiences I’ve had to the things I love. There’s honestly not much I’m opposed to sharing, however, I realized there are some things you may never know about me until you ask. So, I thought I share some fun facts about me every once in a while so when we play the newlywed game we can take home the money.
Yes, I realize my name is Hannah. & yes, I realize that I do eat banana bread & enjoy those neon yellow marshmallows that look & taste like bananas. However, I do not eat the fruit in it’s natural state. I think it’s all in the texture, but I don’t want to touch it, smell it, or consume it.
2. I wore a uniform for 13 years.
Yup. & I secretly loved every minute of it. Don’t get me wrong, I love clothes & all things fashion, but imagine if it was socially acceptable to role out of bed & wear the same thing everyday; that was the magical world I used to live in. No need to keep up with trends or trying unsuccessfully to make hair scrunchies work for you just to “fit in” with the rest of the awkward middle schoolers. Oh, & back to school shopping? All that involved was one trip to the uniform store to buy new dress shirts & grey socks. It was hard to justify buying anything else though considering it could only be worn 2 days a week. I will admit this did make packing for college hard…I’m still waiting for plaid kilts to become a trend as they still make up half my closet.
3. I played school & club volleyball for 6 years.
When I look back on my years in high school, I don’t reminisce about parties or whatever else you crazy high school kids do these days. My schedule literally consisted of eat, sleep, school, & volleyball. I would finish with my high school team in the winter & start up again the next week with my club team, playing in beach camps & tournaments over the summer. Practices, tournaments & traveling ate up all my time, but I genuinely loved playing. I was pegged as a middle blocker during my first tryout at the age of 12, (just because I happen to be the tallest one there, as per usual) & would play the same position for the next 6 years. It was hard transitioning from playing volleyball everyday to it being cut out of my life completely, but I’ve survived & moved on to tackle other things. I still find it very difficult to watch other people play though as it makes me consider dropping everything to start playing again…
4. My first real job was working for a beer company.
Yes, I do realize how lucky I am people. It was, in many peoples opinion, the perfect summer job. Even though I worked 5 days a week, full-time, I got to drive all over Vancouver in the sunshine with a car full of beer, cider, & coolers (aka everyone’s favourite person). As a merchandiser, I would drive around to liquor stores & restaurants & talk to the managers about how to promote our portfolio of products. I would put up stickers, make posters, build displays, organize giveaways, serve in-store samples, & put those free bottle key chain openers on the necks of all the bottles. I loved not being stuck in an office all day, but I could often be seen hauling mini barbecues, frisbee golf sets &, of course, flats of beer through the streets of downtown Vancouver, sweating through my business casual attire. In the end though, it was an awesome experience & I learned a lot.
5. I heart popcorn.
Favourite food? Popcorn. Favourite dessert? Popcorn. Favourite fruit? Popcorn. I don’t know if it’s because it goes hand in hand with movies, but ever since I can remember, popcorn has been my weakness. My family has an old fashioned popper & when I am home at night (which is most nights cause I am 85 & the bouncers at the club know my arthritis gets inflamed if I start dancing…cause once I start, I don’t stop) I pop myself, & whoever else is around, some popcorn. When Caroline & I moved into our apartment last year guess what the first thing my mum bought us was…yes, a popcorn popper. If I don’t have a popper though, I turn to “Boom Chicka Pop” popcorn. I never do microwave…can you really call that stuff popcorn?
So those are my 5 things you may not have known about me for this week! Hopefully I’m interesting enough to come up with 5 more for next week…I guess you’ll just have to wait & see.
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!