Expressionists 2015
10 years ago / in Bliss
Just a few weeks ago, I submitted a collection of poems & short stories I have written over my time so far at Pepperdine to be considered for Expressionists Magazine, a Pepperdine publication that has been released once a year since the early 1970’s. Of the short stories, screenplays, poems, art & photography submitted, only a few are selected to be included in the magazine, but I am proud & honoured to announce that this year one of those poems was mine!
I wrote “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Thimble” for a poem assignment last semester & got some great feedback, so I decided to submit it. So, in case you can’t pick up a copy of Expressionists (there might not be any left after my mum gets at them), here it is!
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Thimble
In a box of long-forgotten trinkets,
The gleam of silver
Was the only reflection that caught the eye.
I was practiced and sharp,
Like a needle
Which fingers thread protected by a silver thimble.
The uniform perforations gleam unevenly in the light of the floral lamp,
Their role nonexistent in the thimble’s purpose.
Steely thimble and cushioned fingertip become one.
Living as one.
The guardian and the vindicator.
I do not know which to appreciate more,
The precise work of the needle,
The thread that fills the hole,
Or my intact fingertips.
Perhaps the last.
The shadow of a misplaced mug disrupts
The calculated symmetry of the table.
A house of cards fall into a game of 52 pick-up
The 53rd a thimble,
Circulating on a fixed axis.
Misrepresented amongst
A top hat, a Scottie and
The ever-desirable racecar.
Players remain ignorant,
The thimble seen as nothing more
Than a marker on victory’s path.
Like a master of chivalry without
The counterpart to his blade,
The seamstress is exposed,
Unprepared to wage war
Against moth cavities.
The rocking chair creaks.
The thimble must be crowning a fingertip.
A silver teacup shines amongst
The usual set of stark white.
Barbie has invited one too many guests.
On a bed of pins and needles
The thimble lays,
Waiting, watching
For a tired button.
Blood stains white fabric.
She should have listened to her mother.
For more about the magazine:
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!