What’s Up Wednesday.
9 years ago / in Bliss
Wow. Wednesday already?
1. I am in limbo.
For 22 years, I have been a student. Now, I am not. The realization that I actually graduated has hit & although I am considering going back to school, at this point in my life, there is no evading adulthood. Facing this new stage in life is just a little daunting, (especially when you’re lacking direction) but I am working through it & slowly adjusting.
^^ high school grad to college grad…a.k.a. the fastest four years of my life.
2. Big Brother
Okay, I have a dirty little secret…I love Big Brother. I started watching 3 years ago, because like all of you, I kept seeing it on my TV guide & eventually got curious enough to watch it. In case you’re not in-the-know, Big Brother is a lot like Survivor, minus the isolated island & all the rice. The house guests must compete in challenges & form alliances to protect themselves & avoid being sent home each week. I’ve caught up on Big Brother Canada in my first few weeks of adulthood, (which may oppose all odds & show that the Canadian version of a show can actually be better than the American version…because let’s face it, every other remake hasn’t lasted). The American version of the show will start soon, so if you need a new summer show to watch while the rest are on break, give it a shot. & please don’t lose respect for me if you hate it, cause it is reality TV & I am the first to admit that it can be a little trashy. But, let’s just say that last season the big twist was that one player was actually an identical twin & the sisters would switch out back & forth every few days without anyone realizing…if that doesn’t make you wanna watch then I don’t know what does.
3. Baubles & Bliss is getting a new look.
Baubles & Bliss has looked the same since I first started three years ago. So, because it is spring, I thought I would do some spring cleaning & give the site a makeover. Please excuse any weirdness you may see on the site in the next few days…I am making all the changes by myself & as I have mentioned before, I am not the most tech savvy.
4. Bachelorette
So, we all know the Bachelorette started on Monday, but that deserves it’s own post cause there is a lot that needs to be said…mostly in the defense of Vancouverites, so stay tuned for that.
5. Bye, Vancouver.
I have to head back to LA this weekend to pack up my apartment & turn in my keys. I can’t really complain about my time in Malibu, but seeing this beautiful video this week made me realize just how lucky I am to call this city home.
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!