Christmas Traditions
10 years ago / in Bliss
Everyone has their own way of celebrating the holiday season. Like most families, the Wolvertons have their own Christmas traditions that we look forward to every year. So, in the spirit of the season, I thought I would share some of them with you!
The Fish
We always love decorating the tree as a family. After picking out a tree from the Boy Scouts & strapping it to the roof of our car, my dad sets up the tree & puts on the lights. Then, my brothers & I attack the branches armed with the diverse assortment of ornaments we have collected over the years. Amongst your typical glass balls, we have some very interesting decorations that my brothers & I often ponder the origin of & the thought process of the purchaser. One of these oddest of the ornaments just happens to be my dad’s favourite & the only ornament he hangs. Perhaps once used for bait, this fish now hangs on our tree every year, usually as high on the tree as my dad can hang it.
Christmas Baking
One of the best & worst parts about the holidays is all the treats. Every year we bake an assortment of cookies which always includes my Nana’s shortbread. If you love shortbread, then never make it yourself. Once you realize just how much butter & sugar is in those little melt-in-your-mouth cookies, you’re a bit put-off by them. Check out our recipe here & see for yourself. This year we added to our platter of treats by making chocolate peppermint bark for the first time!
Ugly Sweaters
It’s not the holidays without an ugly sweater Christmas party! It turns out that buying an ugly sweater can be pretty expensive, so Jonny & Liam borrowed these special vests while my mum, dad & I got crafty & made our own! & if you’re wondering…yes, my sweater lights up.
Christmas Eve Game Night
Every year my mum buys us a game to play as a family on Christmas Eve. This year it was “Anomia”. As always, it got pretty competitive.
Milk & Cookies
We are always sure to leave out milk & cookies for Santa & some carrots for the reindeer. My mum decorated this plate which we have been using since as long as I can remember!
Land of Nod Cinnamon Buns
After opening all the presents, we always make the same thing for breakfast…cinnamon buns! However, this year we left our shopping too late & couldn’t find the frozen dough balls we needed to make them. Bacon, eggs & pancakes are just as good though!
I love this time of year & always look forward to these family traditions. However, in the end, it’s all about spending time with friends & family…
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!