Kappa Alpha Theta is…
9 years ago / in Bliss
Ever since I opened my bid card three years ago, the Kappa Alpha Theta sisterhood has played a huge role in my life. Whether I was a freshman trying to figure out college or thousands of miles away traveling across Europe, these girls have been there for me wherever I go.
Although being president often feels like a full-time job, I love pushing our chapter to its fullest potential. I cherish every minute I spend with my sisters, whether it’s talking about budgets in a finance meeting or eating our weight in tacos on Tuesday nights. As I meet a million new faces this week, all asking me what Theta is all about, I thought I would share with everyone what this sisterhood means to me.
Kappa Alpha Theta is…brunch on the weekends.
Kappa Alpha Theta is…making a difference.
Kappa Alpha Theta is…dancing the night away at formal.
Kappa Alpha Theta is…#scholarship.
Kappa Alpha Theta is…traveling the world with your sisters.
Kappa Alpha Theta is…greater than us.
Kappa Alpha Theta is…CASA.
Kappa Alpha Theta is…for a lifetime.
I can’t wait to share everything that Theta means to me with all the young women & future sisters I meet this week. I also can’t wait for the Rho Chis to re-affiliate (you guys made finding photos impossibly hard)! I guess all there’s left to say is…good luck everyone & Stay Gold, Malibu.
Want to learn more about our chapter? Check out Theta Pepperdine here & read more about our National sisterhood here.
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!