Apartment Finds


Apartment Finds

Welcome to my new life as a so-called, self-proclaimed interior designer...all thanks to my new apartment.   I used to think that Ty Pennington was the devil. His Disney Channel star enthusiasm & the incredible height of his frosted tips meant the start of another HGTV Sunday. Just a demo day & a few tears later, I found myself dazed & confused in the lighting[...]

A Peak Inside Our Apartment


A Peak Inside Our Apartment

With graduation in two weeks, we won't only be saying goodbye to Pepperdine, but we will also have to say adios to the little apartment in Calabasas that we've called home for the past two years. So, like anything significant in life, it deserves a proper send off. So, I thought I'd dedicate a post to our apartment. You will be missed. ^^ Caroline found[...]