Liam’s Graduation


Liam’s Graduation

3 down, 1 to go. This past week, Liam graduated from high school! He is headed off to USC to study mechanical engineering, (just like Jonny) but we spent the weekend celebrating his graduation. It all started on Friday with the commencement ceremony. It feels like just yesterday I was watching Jonny cross the stage. Liam & I are grad buddies this year though, so[...]

What’s Up Wednesday.


What’s Up Wednesday.

Wow. Wednesday already? 1. I am in limbo. For 22 years, I have been a student. Now, I am not. The realization that I actually graduated has hit & although I am considering going back to school, at this point in my life, there is no evading adulthood. Facing this new stage in life is just a little daunting, (especially when you're lacking direction) but[...]




Welp, I did it...I am a college graduate. I walked across that stage, (without tripping, which was actually a huge worry of mine) & accepted that diploma. Behold... Before I get ahead of myself though, let's recap the weekend from the beginning. The celebration started out with lunch at Malibu Farm on the pier, which you know from my previous post is home to one[...]

What’s Up Wednesday.


What’s Up Wednesday.

This is the last What's Up Wednesday I will write as an undergrad...maybe as a student. That is just terrifying. But... 1. It's Noah's birthday!The youngest of the wolfpack is turning 16! Wow, you can drive now. I can't wait to see you, so don't crash before Thursday. ^^ also thanks for letting me use you for show & tell. 2. We have another Trojan[...]

What’s Up Wednesday.


What’s Up Wednesday.

It's Wednesday y'all! 1. It rained in Malibu. ^^ chance to pull out the boots & sweater. Yeah I wouldn't normally call this news either, or even think twice about it, but when you're in a drought & you can recall the exact date that you last saw rain, it's news. The streets were flooding & the road through the canyon was rocky, but we[...]