Inspiration Everywhere


Inspiration Everywhere

I am starting to realize that inspiration is everywhere. As I've gained more experience in merchandising & spent much more time researching & looking for home decor, I've started to pick up on small details that really make a space. From running errands to having a drink at happy hour, there is thought put into every space you find yourself in.  I've started snapping photos[...]

3 Places to Turn to When You’re in a Fashion Rut.


3 Places to Turn to When You’re in a Fashion Rut.

There's nothing worse than opening your closet & not feeling inspired by anything in it. You may think you hate everything in your closet & need to go shopping, but in reality, you need to recognize that you're just in a fashion rut. I go to that deep-dark fashion place at least once a week, but I have learned to cope with my condition. So,[...]