One Year Later.


One Year Later.

Just over one year ago, I was sitting in my Calabasas apartment with tears in my eyes & a grad cap sunburn across my forehead, trying to fit four years of my life into a suitcase. I had just had my three seconds of fame as I walked across the stage to receive my placeholder diploma & within hours of graduating, was hit with the[...]

5 Things I Learned from my College Roommate


5 Things I Learned from my College Roommate

It's been more than a week since I said goodbye to Caroline. I know you all thought that we were attached at the hip, & you weren't wrong, but now our hips are going to have to stretch across the country. We don't know when we will see each other next, but we know that we will always be a part of each others lives[...]




Welp, I did it...I am a college graduate. I walked across that stage, (without tripping, which was actually a huge worry of mine) & accepted that diploma. Behold... Before I get ahead of myself though, let's recap the weekend from the beginning. The celebration started out with lunch at Malibu Farm on the pier, which you know from my previous post is home to one[...]

What’s Up Wednesday.


What’s Up Wednesday.

This is the last What's Up Wednesday I will write as an undergrad...maybe as a student. That is just terrifying. But... 1. It's Noah's birthday!The youngest of the wolfpack is turning 16! Wow, you can drive now. I can't wait to see you, so don't crash before Thursday. ^^ also thanks for letting me use you for show & tell. 2. We have another Trojan[...]

Expressionists 2016


Expressionists 2016

Now is the moment you've all been waiting for...the unveiling of Expressionists! As I mentioned before, I was lucky enough to have two poems selected for this year's publication. So, without further ado, I will let the words speak for themselves... Circles As I unzip your sweater from the crook of your neck down, past the indent of your belly button, meeting the waistband of[...]