Shout “Opa” & Go Greek!


Shout “Opa” & Go Greek!

Hello world! Missed me? I can’t even believe how long it’s been & how much has happened in the last month! Since my last post I finished my internship at LUSH & spent the last two weeks of summer with the family up in Kelowna on the lake. Now, I just finished the first week of my junior year at Pepperdine, Caroline & I have[...]

Bonjour Pepperdine Lausanne Campus!


Bonjour Pepperdine Lausanne Campus!

So I did it.  I moved to the Pepperdine Lausanne campus in Switzerland for an entire year of studying abroad.  Nervous?  Oh yeah.  Excited?  Of course! I thought I would share my first taste of Switzerland...the view from my room.  I guess you could say that we're starting off on the right foot. More Baubles & Bliss from la Suisse is on the way!