Do you really Pinterest if you don't have an inspirational quotes page? I'm not ashamed to say that I have one (mine is called "Words of Wisdom"...check it out) because I really do find ideas, quotes & words that truly inspire me. As a 20-something trying to navigate post-college life, sometimes you need those words to jump out at you from between the hair tutorials[...]
There's nothing worse than opening your closet & not feeling inspired by anything in it. You may think you hate everything in your closet & need to go shopping, but in reality, you need to recognize that you're just in a fashion rut. I go to that deep-dark fashion place at least once a week, but I have learned to cope with my condition. So,[...]
In case you didn't know, I love Pinterest. My boards have thousands of pins, but I realized a while ago that I really need to do less pinning & more doing. I've pinned so many delicious looking recipes & awesome DIY crafts, but have never had the chance to try them out, so I finally decided that I needed to put an end to this[...]