Inspiration Everywhere


Inspiration Everywhere

I am starting to realize that inspiration is everywhere. As I've gained more experience in merchandising & spent much more time researching & looking for home decor, I've started to pick up on small details that really make a space. From running errands to having a drink at happy hour, there is thought put into every space you find yourself in.  I've started snapping photos[...]

Apartment Finds


Apartment Finds

Welcome to my new life as a so-called, self-proclaimed interior designer...all thanks to my new apartment.   I used to think that Ty Pennington was the devil. His Disney Channel star enthusiasm & the incredible height of his frosted tips meant the start of another HGTV Sunday. Just a demo day & a few tears later, I found myself dazed & confused in the lighting[...]

Little Things.


Little Things.

When life gets crazy, we tend to forget to appreciate the little things in life. So, on a Sunday morning off, with a hot coffee in hand (which is something itself so simple & wonderful), I thought I would take the time to pay tribute to these little joys. Cherry blossoms...because their fresh blooms mean that warmer weather is just around the corner. Food at[...]

Strong Coffee & Old Records


Strong Coffee & Old Records

I have lived in Vancouver for most of my life, but it never fails to amaze me how many places in this city there are to see & explore. Okay, I admit, the cold weather has been keeping me inside lately, but the snow finally melted & the sun is out. It could all just be a tease & more snow could be on the[...]

Food Finds


Food Finds

So, it might be of no surprise to you, but I spent this past weekend checking out some of the latest & greatest places to eat in Vancouver. Food is quickly becoming my hobby & my stomach thanks me for it. I have been dying to go to a poke bar, so when I heard about "Pokéritto", it was my first stop. With both traditional[...]