

Lately at Anthro


Lately at Anthro

Life lately at Anthro has been anything but boring. Besides being the peak season, (can't wait for that holiday music to start playing...) we have been hosting events!  I love anything new & out of the ordinary that happens at the store. If you know Anthro well, then you know that we love putting on events in-store for the local community.  This year, we kicked[...]

Inspiration Everywhere


Inspiration Everywhere

I am starting to realize that inspiration is everywhere. As I've gained more experience in merchandising & spent much more time researching & looking for home decor, I've started to pick up on small details that really make a space. From running errands to having a drink at happy hour, there is thought put into every space you find yourself in.  I've started snapping photos[...]

Apartment Finds


Apartment Finds

Welcome to my new life as a so-called, self-proclaimed interior designer...all thanks to my new apartment.   I used to think that Ty Pennington was the devil. His Disney Channel star enthusiasm & the incredible height of his frosted tips meant the start of another HGTV Sunday. Just a demo day & a few tears later, I found myself dazed & confused in the lighting[...]

One Year Later.


One Year Later.

Just over one year ago, I was sitting in my Calabasas apartment with tears in my eyes & a grad cap sunburn across my forehead, trying to fit four years of my life into a suitcase. I had just had my three seconds of fame as I walked across the stage to receive my placeholder diploma & within hours of graduating, was hit with the[...]

Little Things.


Little Things.

When life gets crazy, we tend to forget to appreciate the little things in life. So, on a Sunday morning off, with a hot coffee in hand (which is something itself so simple & wonderful), I thought I would take the time to pay tribute to these little joys. Cherry blossoms...because their fresh blooms mean that warmer weather is just around the corner. Food at[...]