

What’s Up Wednesday.


What’s Up Wednesday.

What's up Wednesday?! 1. Caroline & I saw "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2". The whole gang was back for the sequel & the smell of Windex was in the air. Although nothing can beat the first movie, this one had just as many laughs &, if possible, turned up the Greek. I wouldn't say it's a must-see, but if there's anyone out there who[...]

What’s Up Wednesday.


What’s Up Wednesday.

What's up? I'm back with another edition of "What's Up Wednesday"! 1. #JeSuisBruxelles Having visited Belgium almost exactly two years ago, I can't believe the tragedy that occurred there yesterday. When I think of my time in Belgium, I think of climbing the incredibly steep staircase of the Belfry Tower, the colourful homes that line the river & of course the delicious waffles the country[...]

What’s Up Wednesday.


What’s Up Wednesday.

So, just to keep things interesting, I thought I would start a new series called "What's Up Wednesday." Not everything deserves its own blog post, so I thought that every Wednesday I would just share a mish-mash of the latest in my life. So, without further ado, here's goes my first "What's Up Wednesday." 1. Your girl got published...again! Yeah, that's right. I was selected[...]

3 Places to Turn to When You’re in a Fashion Rut.


3 Places to Turn to When You’re in a Fashion Rut.

There's nothing worse than opening your closet & not feeling inspired by anything in it. You may think you hate everything in your closet & need to go shopping, but in reality, you need to recognize that you're just in a fashion rut. I go to that deep-dark fashion place at least once a week, but I have learned to cope with my condition. So,[...]

Artists & Fleas


Artists & Fleas

You know those Facebook events you stumble across & think, "hey, this looks interesting...maybe I'll go". I have more than once clicked interested for an event, but not actually gone. However, this weekend I defied my Pinterest-like habits on Facebook & actually went to a local event. The lucky winner turned out to be Artists & Fleas in Venice! ^^ free totes...yay! This past weekend[...]