First off, I hope you all had a "hoppy" Easter! I'm sorry. I thought it would sound cute but that was terrible...just terrible. Caroline & I are away from home, so we decided to have a little Easter celebration of our own on Sunday. There's not much we love more than brunch, so we dressed up & headed to a little spot in Malibu for[...]
After being in California for three years, Caroline & I had probably the most LA weekend we could possibly imagine. With graduation a month away, (I still have a severe case of denial) we decided that we needed to make the most of the time that we had left. So, early Friday morning we headed out early to Venice to get some work done in[...]
You know those Facebook events you stumble across & think, "hey, this looks interesting...maybe I'll go". I have more than once clicked interested for an event, but not actually gone. However, this weekend I defied my Pinterest-like habits on Facebook & actually went to a local event. The lucky winner turned out to be Artists & Fleas in Venice! ^^ free totes...yay! This past weekend[...]
Congratulations. If you are still with me, then you have made it to the end of this incredibly long series. Pat yourself on the back. Now pat your head & rub your tummy at the same time. Now stop it. Everyone's looking at you. So, after making it to the top of Angkor Wat, we got on another plane & flew to the last country[...]
Welcome, one & all, to the third installment of our trip, during which I will be sharing all things Cambodia. It's hard to believe that this is my third post & you're probably wondering when I'll stop talking about this trip, but as I said in the beginning, there was a lot to see & do. ready to do some scrolling? Here we go.[...]