Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Welp, that time of year is here…the season of lurvvv. I know that some people believe that Valentine’s Day is just something Hallmark made up to sell more cheesy cards, but I think it is a great time to show not only your significant other, but everyone around you, how much you love them.

IMG_6124However, although I’d like you to think I am in favour of the day just because I want to appreciate the people in my life, the truth is, I love an excuse to buy discounted chocolate & open a bottle of wine. I believe that you can only fully love others when you love yourself, so don’t forget to treat yo’ self today too. Well, that’s all I have to say, because my mouth is full of chocolate, so I’ll leave you with a little Shel Silverstein…


Happy Valentine’s Day!

xo HJ


Hannah Jane

Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!

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