Celebrating 23
8 years ago / in Bliss
I’ve been 23 for almost two weeks now & I can’t say that it feels much different from 22. A lot has changed, but 365 days later, I don’t believe I’m much wiser. One thing that has changed is that for the first time in four years, I spent my birthday back home. & of course, I was welcomed back from sunny California with a dump of snow. It’s hard enough to find something to do in Vancouver in February, but it’s even harder when you can’t get up your street. There’s one thing that’s sure though, every morning, no matter the occasion, calls for coffee.
^^ I’ve been going to this local spot since I was a baby.
On your birthday, you just have to treat yourself. Personally, I love having my hair done. The whole process for me takes too long, my arms get tired & I can just never get it right. Besides, who wouldn’t want to start off 23 with good hair? So, I went to DryBar in Nordstrom & got a “Mai-Tai”.
^^ this bag was as heavy as it looked.
^^ of course getting a blow out named after a cocktail made me want to get a real one. Drinks & shopping are a dangerous mix…exercise caution.
With fresh hair, I came home to some little treats from Paris. Laduree was always our favourite spot for a sweet treat in Lausanne.
One thing that I have learned over my 23 years is that almost any situation can be made better with a little champagne…especially when your bestie sends you champagne gummy bears to drop in the bottom of your glass. So, with drink in hand & some homemade pasta later that night, I embraced the snow.
Cheers to 23! What’s your favourite way to kick off a new year of living?
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!