I am Canadian.


I am Canadian.

Only a few things come to mind when you think of Canadians: snow, maple syrup, hockey, & our unbeatable politeness, eh?  You also may think of Molson Canadian, which seems to be our national beer of choice.  Molson recently started a new campaign to bring back their "I am Canadian" slogan.  They decided to place fridges full of beer all over Europe.  Sounds like a[...]

Lausanne & Lutry


Lausanne & Lutry

Even though our trip to Milan ended on a high note, all the fashion, gelato, & free drinks wiped us out.  Instead of going through the trouble of planning another big trip, we decided to stay in Lausanne & actually explore the city we have chosen to study abroad in...plus we are still in school & we had a lot of homework to catch up[...]


Humans of New York

Being here in Lausanne is a once in a lifetime opportunity & I don’t want to miss a second of it!  Sometimes I get caught up in the moment & I just want to savour it for what it is.  When I do take pictures though, I want to document everything I can!  I always wonder though how a professional would capture each moment…I also[...]

Fashion Week in Milan


Fashion Week in Milan

This past weekend was our first travel weekend of the year!  It took us the entire week before to figure out where we were going to go, how we were going to get there, & where we were going to stay.  We definitely realized that it takes a lot of planning & organization to take a trip, even if it’s just for the weekend.  Of[...]

Canyoning in Interlaken!


Canyoning in Interlaken!

[codepeople-post-map]This summer, my brother Jonny travelled to Switzerland to attend a youth leadership conference.  Whenever he travels, he never keeps in contact with me or any of my family. We’re lucky if we get one text the entire time he’s gone…he’s actually made a reputation for himself, especially with my mum.  This summer we got one text: “Went canyoning today.  It was awesome.” I knew[...]