Back to the Land of Chocolate

Back to the Land of Chocolate

After almost a month back at home for the holidays, it finally came time to head back to Switzerland.  Even though I love nothing more than being home & it’s never easy to leave, it was time to get my butt off the couch & get back to being a full-time student & a world-traveler.  My life in Switzerland is anything but boring & my first day back was a true testament to that.

However, after my last post about flying home, I’m sure you’re waiting for some brutally honest movie reviews, but to be truthful, I didn’t get to watch that many!  After my original flight was cancelled due to the Polar Vortex that has been causing havoc in the East, my flight was re-booked for two days later & actually put me on a more direct route to Switzerland.  I was beyond excited to have two more days at home & a better flight, but after seeing that I had the same “Oscar-winning” films to choose from on the flight as I did on the way home one month ago, my time in the air suddenly seemed twice as long.  The one movie I would recommend, to satisfy your need for a review, was “Rush” starring Chris Hemsworth & Daniel Bruhl.  Based on the true story of a rivalry between two formula one race car drivers, the film portrayed the real lives of the drivers & how two very different men approached the sport.  Everyone has something to love in this one.  Fellas, it’s about racing & cars…ladies, it stars Chris Hemsworth.

Even though there was a lack of movies & quite a few flight delays, I finally made it back to Switzerland in one piece.  As I said before though, life abroad is action-packed & I felt like I had barely unpacked before I was running off on another adventure.  I arrived at the house Friday afternoon & the next morning at 7:30am I was in my snow gear in the lobby, meeting everyone to go snowshoeing!  Though I was very jet-lagged, due to the 9-hour time difference & it was a struggle to get out of bed, I couldn’t miss out on a beautiful morning of snowshoeing in Lausanne & fondue as the perfect welcome back to life en Suisse!





Although I already desperately miss home & my family, I know this semester will fly by & I will be back in Vancouver & then Malibu before I know it!  For now, I am going to enjoy every last moment of my final semester abroad & get in as much traveling & chocolate in as I can!

Here’s a little check-in video in the meantime…





Hannah Jane

Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!

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