What’s Up Wednesday.

What’s Up Wednesday.

So, just to keep things interesting, I thought I would start a new series called “What’s Up Wednesday.” Not everything deserves its own blog post, so I thought that every Wednesday I would just share a mish-mash of the latest in my life.

So, without further ado, here’s goes my first “What’s Up Wednesday.”

1. Your girl got published…again!

Yeah, that’s right. I was selected again to be published in “Expressionists” Magazine! Except this year, not one, but TWO of my poems were selected. This year’s edition has yet to be printed, but I’ll be sure to keep you updated & share the poems with you when it’s released.

2. We have a Provincial champ in da house!


Slide3My little brother Noah, (in addition to playing on the grade 10 team) was asked to practice with the senior team & sit on their bench during games. Last weekend the seniors made it all the way to the gold medal match & won! Noah actually got to play in the final game & took home the banner, a ring & a piece of the net.

3. Kappa Alpha Theta brought DK donuts to campus for CASA.

Slide1Just look at them. They’re delicious & basic girls wanna take photos with them…so naturally, we sold out in about 2 hours.

4. The Bachelor finale happened…

It happened. I had class till 10pm, so I took on a social media ban to avoid any spoilers & then watched online when I got home. Caroline & I weren’t cheering for anyone in particular to end up with Ben, but we both agreed on one thing…Ben could have picked a prettier ring. I’ll admit, the stone count isn’t too shabby, but I didn’t like the sharp, stacked rectangular diamonds.

5. I made this last night:

Slide5Yeah, I’m not really that skilled in the kitchen, but several things lined up to create the perfect storm that resulted in me actually making this dish:

1. I was craving pasta. (but really, do I ever not feel like eating pasta?)

2. I really, really didn’t want to go grocery shopping – this meant I had to work with what was in the fridge, which wasn’t much.

3. Caroline had class till 10pm & wouldn’t be home for dinner, so if my cooking was a disaster, I would suffer the consequences of my experiment alone.

Surprisingly, it turned tasting really good, although I admit, it’s not the prettiest (the recipe says it’s simple, but I started out with the expectation that I would mess it up…). All you need is extra virgin olive oil, garlic, eggs, pasta, salt, pepper & optional cheese. Shout out, as always, to my mum for answering those random & weird cooking questions.

You can find the link to the recipe here. If you have any doubts…I did it, so you probably can too. I found that the key (as it is in almost any situation) is the more cheese, the better.


Hannah Jane

Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!

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