What’s Up Wednesday.
9 years ago / in Bliss
It’s Wednesday y’all!
1. It rained in Malibu.
^^ chance to pull out the boots & sweater.
Yeah I wouldn’t normally call this news either, or even think twice about it, but when you’re in a drought & you can recall the exact date that you last saw rain, it’s news. The streets were flooding & the road through the canyon was rocky, but we all survived.
2. Arrowspike Champs
Pi Phi put on their annual philanthropy this weekend which was a beach volleyball tournament to support literacy! It’s been a couple years since my time as a pro…
^^ this pose is in no way natural.
…but I couldn’t say no to playing the sport I love with my sisters. We ended up coming 3rd in the tournament & winning the philanthropy overall, only further proving that #thetawins.
So apparently I’m new at this whole graduation thing. I went to the Grad Fest at Pepperdine & something I thought was very simple turned out to be much more complicated. Apparently, graduation in the US is not the simple act of walking across the stage & receiving a diploma. The people at the Grad Fest were trying to sell me packages with announcements & tissue inserts. Not knowing what any of this meant, I left dazed & confused. Caroline later explained everything to me, even the announcements, whose whole purpose confused me (wouldn’t anyone who really cared about me know that I was graduating already?). Anyways, since I wore a uniform to my last graduation…
I didn’t even have to think about what I was wearing underneath that robe. Turns out it might be “sweaty” & “socially awkward” of me to wear a wool kilt to my college graduation in California, so I suddenly realized I needed something to wear. But what do you wear underneath a bright blue & orange robe? (new & improved this year from the traditional black…because why be timeless when you can be garish?) That’s the problem. I think I’ve said yes to the dress, but I still might wear knee high socks with it.
4. Senior Night
SAO (Student Alumni Organization) put on a Senior Night which included free In-N-Out, Skinny Pop, Senior gifts, inflatables & fair games. Our very own Lily Zhao planned the event & as always, it was amazing.
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!