What’s Up Wednesday.
9 years ago / in Bliss
Woohoo. It’s Wednesday.
1. The wolf-pack is back in action.
So, for the first time in almost a year (I’m not counting the day we were home before leaving for Vietnam) the Wolvertons are all together again in Vancouver. Even though Jonny was only here for a few days before starting summer school, it was weird to be back at the kitchen table with every chair occupied. If I’m going to be home for much longer though, I’ll have to train myself to eat faster if I’m going to survive.
2. I wasn’t lying…
So, remember last Wednesday when I talked about Laduree opening in Vancouver & how I joked about how much they cost? Well, apparently I got my money’s worth because according to this article, they are in fact flown in from Paris. So, pay up for that jet fuel, cause the macaroons you’re eating in Vancouver are the same one’s they’re eating across the pond.
3. Out & about in Gastown.
It was almost two years ago, but if you’ve been following me for that long (bless you), you probably remember when we unsuccessfully tried to go to a concert & then a club in downtown Vancouver for Sammy’s birthday. Well, this past Friday we were successful & got into the Alexander. I can’t say it was exactly what I expected as the crowd was a weird mix of 19-year-olds & people pushing 50. However, all was forgiven once I discovered the Mario Kart in the back.
4. We love Snapchat.
Okay, so Snapchat filters are old news…except for my parents. My mum would kill me if I shared any photos of her, but in teaching them how to use Snapchat, my brothers & I have rediscovered the joy of filters, & of course, face-swap.
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!