

Strong Coffee & Old Records


Strong Coffee & Old Records

I have lived in Vancouver for most of my life, but it never fails to amaze me how many places in this city there are to see & explore. Okay, I admit, the cold weather has been keeping me inside lately, but the snow finally melted & the sun is out. It could all just be a tease & more snow could be on the[...]

Whitewater Brownies


Whitewater Brownies

Well, as you all know, with daylight savings time, we had an extra hour this weekend. So, the combination of the extra hour & a rainy Sunday created the perfect storm for brownies. Usually my go-to is the Ghirardelli brownie mix from Costco (the undisputed king of brownie mixes), but I had the time, so I didn't make just any brownies...I made Whitewater brownies. They[...]

Food Finds


Food Finds

So, it might be of no surprise to you, but I spent this past weekend checking out some of the latest & greatest places to eat in Vancouver. Food is quickly becoming my hobby & my stomach thanks me for it. I have been dying to go to a poke bar, so when I heard about "Pokéritto", it was my first stop. With both traditional[...]

Summer Sangria


Summer Sangria

Summer is finally turning around in Vancouver. It's sunny, the fresh fruit stands are out, & there's nothing I want to do more than have a drink by the pool...more specifically, sangria. Yes, even though it was over two years ago, I am still dreaming about that white wine sangria I had on a rooftop in Barcelona. So, I thought I would make my own.[...]

La Casa Gelato


La Casa Gelato

It's not news to anyone that I love gelato. Really, I love pretty much anything sweet. Although Vancouver hasn't quite caught up to LA temperatures, any glimmer of sunshine makes me wanna grab a cone & fill it with every flavour. & if you really want to try every flavour, you have to visit La Casa Gelato. Just an old, unassuming mom & pop's shop[...]