Lately at Anthro
6 years ago / in Bliss
Life lately at Anthro has been anything but boring. Besides being the peak season, (can’t wait for that holiday music to start playing…) we have been hosting events!
I love anything new & out of the ordinary that happens at the store. If you know Anthro well, then you know that we love putting on events in-store for the local community.
This year, we kicked off the fall season with a fashion show. Much like our spring show, we worked for weeks, organizing everything from drinks & invites to photographers & models. Having a hand in planning the event really opened my eyes into how much work even just something as simple as renting chairs can be.
The event was a huge success & it was a great experience for the store. With so many associates on shift work, we rarely are in the store all at once, so it was great to come together as a team. Thank you to @lirafotografia for the amazing photos!
^^ Some last minute outfit changes. My head decided it didn’t like the rancher…anyone else have this problem? I prefer to blame it on too much hair, (instead of a big head). Beret anyone?
^^ Oh la la! Who is she?! If you ever need help perfecting a runway walk, Rob is your guy!
^^ The best team in the biz.
So…what’s better than a fashion show? Puppies, obviously. Last weekend we had a dog adoption event at the store & it was everything I had ever dreamed of. There were two puppies, less than a few weeks old, that were sisters & German Shepard/Husky mixes. But, of course, I could not forget about Stevie, (named after Stevie Wonder) a Dogo that was blind in both eyes due to trauma. We all couldn’t get enough of the pups & it was great to see all the hard work of organizations like Caare Rescue!
^^ We put out human treats & some treats for any furry friends that came to visit. The dog treats we bought made for a pretty passible Oreo decoys, but despite clearly labelling them, someone may, or may not, have eaten one anyways. We felt like it was a “What Would You Do?” type situation. Post-first bite, do you say something, or let it slide & spare some embarrassment? We went with option B.
^^They were pooped after about an hour!
^^Stevie was the centrefold in the Caare Rescue calendar. What a natural beauty.
Have you ever been to any Anthro events? If you saw someone taking a bite of a dog treat, what would you do?
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!