What’s Up Wednesday.
9 years ago / in Bliss
It’s hump day! Or just Wednesday for any camels out there.
95 pages later & I am finally done! I handed it in Monday night after having to drive all the way to Westlake to buy brads, which are special kind of fastener that is used to hold scripts together. We hand in our scripts, one by one, & we applaud everyone as they go up & hand their script in to our professor. I really still can’t believe I wrote a full-length feature film. It is great to have that assignment off my shoulders, but I really didn’t get any chance to celebrate…it’s just on to the next. #2weeks
^^ please disregard the title. I hate it, I hate titles & I was over it.
2. We had our last chapter.
Even though there were a couple Sundays when I wasn’t in the mood to dress up & go to chapter, seeing all of my sisters in chapter was always worth it (also, there is usually cookies, so that’s an incentive too). Reading my Senior Letter two weeks ago in chapter really made me reflect on my time in Theta. I am truly honoured to have been a part of this chapter & had the privilege to call these wonderful women my sisters. I could go on & on about everything I love about Theta & our sisterhood, but to sum it up…we ended our last chapter by taking a party bus to go eat spaghetti. #thetawins #thetalovesfood #rushtheta
^^ then. (2012)
3. Expressionists comes out this week!
Unfortunately I have an oral exam for my Shakespeare class during the release party, otherwise I would say come to the reading & hear me read my poems, but pick up a copy of Expressionists after Wednesday in the CAC! That is, if there is any left after I get my mum the thousands of copies she wants (I would reference the Dr. Hook song & say 5 copies, but it’s much too far from the actual number she requested).
4. I went to Coachella.
Just kidding, I didn’t. I just lived vicariously through the snapchat stories & this filter.
5. This little boy trying to prepare his magic trick is like me trying to figure out my life post-grad.
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!