

Ice Skating en Suisse


Ice Skating en Suisse

This past week has been crazy.  It was the last week of classes & the last week before finals...guess what that means?  That's right.  Everything (& I mean everything!) was due.  I had research papers, presentations, & travel journals to complete & hand in.  Hopefully this explains why I have been MIA on the blogging front recently.  However, the good news is that I'm done[...]

Halloween…en Suisse!


Halloween…en Suisse!

It's a little known fact that Swiss people are not the most open or friendly people.  Actually, it's a well known fact: the Swiss like their privacy & keep to themselves, but it is commonly mistaken for coldness.  So, when we started to think about Halloween, particularly the part about knocking on people's doors & asking for candy, we wondered if they even celebrated Halloween[...]

Lausanne & Lutry


Lausanne & Lutry

Even though our trip to Milan ended on a high note, all the fashion, gelato, & free drinks wiped us out.  Instead of going through the trouble of planning another big trip, we decided to stay in Lausanne & actually explore the city we have chosen to study abroad we are still in school & we had a lot of homework to catch up[...]

Canyoning in Interlaken!


Canyoning in Interlaken!

[codepeople-post-map]This summer, my brother Jonny travelled to Switzerland to attend a youth leadership conference.  Whenever he travels, he never keeps in contact with me or any of my family. We’re lucky if we get one text the entire time he’s gone…he’s actually made a reputation for himself, especially with my mum.  This summer we got one text: “Went canyoning today.  It was awesome.” I knew[...]

Conquering the Swiss Alps


Conquering the Swiss Alps

What is the first thing you think of when you think of Switzerland?  Probably chocolate & cheese, but you could also be thinking of the famous Swiss Alps!  Yesterday we hiked one of the many peaks of the Alps.  After taking the train, we started out at the base & began our climb.  The trail was fairly steep, but it was nothing compared to what[...]