Happy Birthday Sammy!
11 years ago / in Bliss
Last week, Kelsey, Sammy, & I got together to celebrate Sammy turning the big 2-0. Ever since I turned 20, I haven’t been able to wrap my head around the idea that I’m actually in my 20’s & not a teenager anymore, still having to pause & think when people ask my age. However, now as I watch each of my friends turn 20, it just reinforces that this adult thing is becoming real…especially when we all have to wait till we get off work to celebrate.
We started off with a delicious home cooked dinner of Sammy’s favourites, some yummy fluffy pink cupcakes, & of course champagne. Sammy had this bottle for a while, so it really went off with a bang…hope we didn’t hit any neighbours over the fence!
For Sammy’s 20th celebration, she decided that she wanted to see the band Metronomy at the Fortune Sound Club downtown. I know what you’re thinking…who is Metronomy? I was wondering the same thing. Turns out Sammy had no idea who they were either until she Googled “things to do on Tuesday, June 10th in Vancouver”. Unfortunately, lots of other people knew who they were, & by the time we got there, the tickets were sold out. We weren’t giving up though & decided to move to plan B & take a cab to Celebrities. Luckily, there was no line, but that meant that there was no one inside & after hearing some weird rules about not being allowed back in after leaving, we decided to wait before going in & get a drink at the pub across the street…A.K.A plan C.
After having a couple drinks, we happen to look out the window only to see that the line was now stretched down the block. After ruling out the option of standing in line for who knows how long, I remembered seeing a poster on the bathroom door for a “Coronita”. A margarita with an upside down Corona in it, I decided we needed to order one for Sammy after so many disappointments…plan D.
Although it wasn’t plan A, we decided that plan D didn’t turn out so bad. We realized it’s not really about what you’re doing or where you are, it’s about who you’re with. We had so much fun just chatting & catching up, by the end of the night we didn’t care that we didn’t see the concert or get into the club, we just loved being in each others company. Happy Birthday Sammy…we love you!
Hannah Jane
Just a girl sharing the baubles she loves & the bliss she experiences!